Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My "kids"

My "kids" are my dogs. Sometimes known as "the boys". Tink, the toy fox terrier,is the oldest, soon to be 13. Boo Boo, the pekingese, 6, is his sidekick, more like a shadow. My husband has said that when something happens to Tink, Boo Boo will not know what to do with himself. If he can't find him in the house (Tink likes to sleep under blankets) he will start whimpering until someone helps him locate Tink. Well, it just happened. I let Tink out and Boo did not see him go out the door. He came into the room and checked every where. I told him Tink went out but he didn't understand. I had to pick him up, take him outside and make Tink bark so Boo could find him. It's hard to explain when you see the look on Boo's face and see his expression change completely when he discovers where Tink is!

This may all seem really silly but this is my home life. My boys.